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The 7 Most Popular Promotional Items for Your Business 2023

There are many promotional items you can use to promote your business — none of which is right or wrong. The right promotional items, however, will give you the biggest bang for your buck when advertising your brand and establishing yourself as an industry leader.

Use this list of the most popular promotional items to determine what’s best for your business and your budget.

1. Stress Balls
There are a lot of reasons why stress balls are such popular promotional items. For one, they're relatively inexpensive. They're also small and easy to transport, which makes them ideal for handing out at events or trade shows. Plus, people love getting free stuff, and who doesn't love an excellent squishy stress ball?

2. Pencils
A pencil is a great promotional item for your business because it is valid, relatively inexpensive, and easy to personalise. You can print your company name and logo on pencils, and they make great giveaway items at trade shows or events. Plus, people always look for a new pencil when theirs runs out.

3. Flash Drives
Custom flash drives are a great way to promote your business. They are affordable and can be personalised with your company logo or slogan. They are also practical items that people will use and appreciate. They are great giveaway gifts that can help you generate new leads.

4. Face Masks
In the current climate, face masks have become one of the most popular promotional items for businesses. They are a practical way to promote your brand while protecting your employees and customers from various illnesses. 

5. Hats
Custom hats are a great way to promote your business. They are relatively cheap to buy, and you can order them in bulk. They are a wearable form of advertising that gets your brand name out there. Hats are also popular because they can be used in various settings, from casual to formal.

6. T-Shirts
Custom t-shirts are always popular for businesses looking to promote their brand. They are relatively inexpensive, especially when ordered in bulk, and can be worn by employees or customers to help spread the word about your business. T-shirts can also be given away at events or as a marketing campaign.

7. Bags
Reusable bags are one of the most popular promotional items because they are helpful and have a low cost per impression. Ordering reusable bags in bulk can be cheaper than you think, and your customers will appreciate not using plastic bags. You can have your logo printed on one side of the bag, or get creative and print a design on both sides.

Whether you run your own business or work for someone else, you should always consider ways to stand out from the competition. One of the best ways to do this is by finding promotional products that will help you get attention and exposure from customers and potential employers alike. You can find plenty of good options, but the above seven are some of the most effective ones.

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